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Nature Spirits and Gardening


In April 2003, Robert Murray channeled a lady who is in the afterlife. In the following message, she gave information about nature spirits and gardening.

"Your mother is getting more independent every day she says. She has made many new friends and has just joined a group that loves to garden and help souls through gardening. She has made some interesting discoveries. There are nature spirits that help rooted vegetation such as trees, plants, vegetables, etc. These nature spirits carry messages from plant to plant, from tree to tree and between all things rooted. They work both sides of life on physical Earth and in the Spirit World where she is. They are invisible to the human eye while on Earth but in heaven they fly and can be seen around vegetation, gardens, trees and rooted things. She can't make friends with them but she can hear their thoughts and talk to them. She finds this most interesting and now can understand why some people have a "green thumb" and others don't. Your mother says that to be a successful gardener you must be aware of the nature spirits and either unconsciously or consciously ask for their help. Some humans think they know better and believe they are doing it all by themselves. Not everyone in Heaven believes in the Nature Spirits and if they don't believe then they don't see them."

For anyone interested in reading more about the subject of nature spirits and gardening, a reader and friend, Ann West, has some resources to share. In 1991 she presented an evening workshop on Nature Spirits at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Ann West wrote:

"You have probably heard about or read about the Findhorn gardens in Scotland.  I met the founders of that community sometime in the 1970s. 

I also have a book called the 'Perelandra Garden Workbook: A Complete Guide to Gardening with Nature Intelligences' by Machaelle Small Wright.  I found that website under Perelandra: Cooperating with Nature Spirits (I think). This book was published in 1987."

Referring to the above resources, we have found the following web sites:

The Findhorn Foundation

Perelandra: Cooperating Co-Creatively with Nature (from the May/June '88 NEW REALITIES Magazine) :


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