The following excerpt is from
The Stars Still Shine: An Afterlife Journey
by Robert Murray.
This book offers a detailed account of the first stages
of a unique journey, one that begins with an ending. Michael, whose present
circumstances are the subject of these pages, was killed by an automobile
in June 1997. On the day following the accident, Robert Murray, the author
of this book and Michael's father-in-law, began receiving messages from
Michael about his new experiences.
Bob says that Michael is the one who initiated this contact,
originally so he could tell those on this side that he was still "alive"
and thinking of them. These messages have since developed into ongoing
conversations with Michael and with others in the reality Michael now inhabits.
Throughout these experiences Bob has made detailed records
of all communications. In addition, whenever Michael mentions persons or
topics unfamiliar, the author has researched them to check their validity.
Often Bob's daughter, Michael's wife, independently and many miles away,
has received messages to corroborate material received by the author.
I have been privileged to know Bob for many years as a
friend, have enjoyed expeditions with him as an accomplished fellow dowser,
and have observed him in action as a trained and reliable psychic. In all
areas of endeavor, he is kind and generous to others. He approaches his
psychic work with a high degree of integrity and sincerity. In regard to
the material in this book, Bob explains that at certain times he experiences
a feeling--really a "knowing"--that Michael wishes to be in contact
with him and is ready to share new experiences. At such times, Bob clears
his mind, sits down, and more often than not is genuinely surprised by
the information he writes down. Michael's knowledge, interests, and personality
shine through at these times, so that Bob genuinely perceives the communications
recorded in this book as coming from his deceased son-in-law.
The material that Bob has recorded so far fills four substantial
volumes, the first of which is condensed as the present book. This first
volume presents a picture of a world that perhaps is unique to Michael.
As the messages unfold and Michael begins the first steps of his journey,
this world takes on color and definition. His journey appears to offer
a threefold reflection of the life Michael lived on earth, of his new life
still unfolding, and intimations about the destination toward which he
is ultimately headed.
The reader soon realizes this account suggests a view
that is becoming familiar to an increasing number of people. It is that
each of us during life on earth shapes the web of a unique world. It appears
this individual web may then also shape the journey a person takes after
leaving the physical body. The reality to be discovered may have little
similarity to the one now being explored by Michael, becoming instead uniquely
valid for the person who will experience it, offering challenges and lessons
beyond anything we ordinarily might have envisioned. In Michael's reality,
famous "names" are included among the cast of characters. How
are these to be understood? As dowsers know, a thought is a thing. Are
these persons then projections of Michael's thoughts on earth--as they
might appear in a dream--making up the cast in his new life? After reading
this book, a person may well be led to ask, if this were my journey, what
is the shape these lessons would take for me? Who would be my teachers?
Where would I be going?
Although the experiences in this account are possibly
unique to Michael, they provide not only affirmation for the existence
of personal continuation after death but also clues about the directions
this continuation may take.
Richard D. Wright, co-author,
The Divining Mind and
The Divining Heart