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Message 16:
The 9-11s in the Afterlife.


Lynne: "I had a question for you, if you don't mind. This one has been bothering me. Well, the question wasn't bothering me, but I wanted to know the answer. You were talking about the Nightmare Level and I understand the concept, the idea of a level that is below where I'm standing now. Is the Nightmare layer a level of vibrations and of actual location? I know you said that it doesn't have a geographic location on Earth, but is there another place in the universe where this place physically exists? Could it be located on Mars or maybe on the dark side of the Moon?"

Bob: "The Nightmare Level exists. It exists on a vibration level, just as where you are now exists. It also exists in the mind. It does not have a geographic location either on the Earth or on another planet. It is real just as the Earth is real and Heaven is real, but you would need more than a road map to get there."

Lynne: "Thank you. I know that you have helped many people to adjust to this life over here. I am very grateful for your help and insights into the many, many problems I have had. Now, apart from helping people like me, were you given any instructions or orders to get out the word or to preach the new order of things? If you find my questions offensive in any way, just tell me and I'll withdraw them."

Bob: "No offense taken. I wasn't given any orders to get any word out. I certainly don't think I'm preaching the New Order or anything else. I had a choice. I could keep these messages to my immediate family or I could publish the messages. It was a family decision to make the messages public. We felt that the messages would help others to get through their own grief and let people know what the afterlife is like. I don't speak for all people on your side nor do I assume everything is the same for everyone who dies and crosses over."

Lynne: "Knowing what I know now, and experiencing this life, I can understand your messages. When I was on Earth, I doubt very much if I would have paid attention to your book. I would have been curious and would have thought it was a good fictional account of Heaven, but I would have stuck to my religious teachings when being prepared for death. I had too much time and energy invested in my religion to abandon it because of one book. I would have been interested in it, but I would have had many reservations and doubts. In your book The Stars Still Shine, you come across as very sincere and you believe in what you do. The basic premise is one of continued life and humor. I would have found it very interesting as a work of fiction and I would have loved the humor. I don't think I'm going to change any minds with my comments, but I find that you are 'right on' when it comes to the truth about the afterlife. Your detractors will now say that I am a figment of Bob Murray's imagination. Some figment!

God bless you and yours. Keep doing it. Get the word out."


(Days later)

Lynne: "Good morning Father Murray. I hope you don't think this will be a daily event. I really appreciate your taking the time to talk to me. It keeps me sane as far as keeping in touch with what I used to know. I think I know how Michael felt when he had you as a vital link to his past. I would prefer to establish my own working link to Earth, but I can see that isn't going to happen soon, if at all.

The work with the Village has slowed mainly because we really don't have much in common except that one day that brought or sent us all over here. Most of us in the Village don't talk about that Day. There is only so much anyone can say. Not all have adjusted and some I would say have chosen to dwell on the events of that Day. I say chosen because we all have choices. We can either move on or get mired in the events. Personally, I can't keep stirring the ashes. Apart from how we all died, there is nothing to keep us together. We have made individual friends and are friendly enough to stay in the same town, but the common bond is wearing thin. I believe that we can't sustain something negative. We still help each other, but it is usually help with immediate problems such as housing and social things. The psychotherapy is still available, but more people are handling their problems in their own ways. I'm not saying that it is correct, but it is what they want to do. Most don't want to be seen walking into the Clinic to see Dr. Yes. Michael hasn't been asked back to give any more talks. He is welcome over here, but not as a professional speech maker. I believe that all of the Villagers know that they have died and know how, but don't know why. The why is a problem with the people who haven't adjusted to life over here. I can't give them the answer because I don't know why, but I feel that I have made the adjustment and for the most part moved past it. I have heard some talk about the unfairness of being singled out for death. I think that as long as they think about what is fair or what isn't, they aren't going to be able to move on. I know that life isn't fair and death isn't fair. I must believe that there is a greater plan for humans than what each of us sees on the surface. I don't believe that what I did on Earth sent me to where I am now. When you are over on this side, you realize, at least I do, that what you do for others is a better way to conduct your life mainly because it makes your life better. You do it because that inside switch gets turned on and you feel good. I now keep busy working with the children and helping with the people in our Village. I do it all for selfish reasons. I do it because it makes me feel good. I have my good days and my bad days. I sometimes get grumpy, but I'm not bland. I enjoy myself whenever I can. I think that is important to mental health. Enjoy yourself whenever you can. Carpe diem, seize the day before it seizes you. As David told me the other day, 'Keep moving. Move, move, move.' He told me that while he was lying on the couch, but he had a big smile on his face. We do take our walk every day. We call the walks collective walks because we collect things along the way. We have a mantle full of shells and pretty rocks.

I don't know why I left this part to the last because I had such a good time yesterday. When over at Sussex yesterday, David and I met Merlin. I didn't know who he was until he was introduced to us by Michael. Merlin said that he knew all about us. I didn't know what to say. David asked if Merlin was going to use the information against us? Merlin answered, 'Not unless I have to.' Merlin was at Sussex to check on one of his star pupils. He came to prod Michael and to pry him out of his rut. He said that anyone going to Level Five has to be more versatile. He told us that David and I have graduated to Level Two and said that we were doing work on that Level anyway. He told me that I would still be able to talk with the Padre Murray, I think he meant you, and Michael was about to expand his horizons from the same perch on the tree of life. I'm sure Michael will want to tell the news about his graduation so please act surprised. I must go to the noon meal here, then help with the older children. I thank you for your kindness. God bless you and your family. Lynne"

Previous 9-11s Message

Message 16 is the final message in the 9-11s in the Afterlife series. Robert Murray received messages about the group and divided them into 16 installments (16 messages). As a group, they have said what they needed to say and have not shared anymore messages. On a personal or individual level, Lynne and David have communicated other messages about their day-to-day lives in the afterlife. (If you are interested in reading more from Lynne and David, click here. They are contributing to The Stars Still Shine Magazine.) Other individuals from the group may be communicating privately through others back to Earth. However, if others in the 9-11 group come forward and wish to communicate through Robert, then we would consider publishing the message(s).

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