The Stars Still Shine: An Afterlife Journey
Robert Murray.
Aura Publishing 2000
Travel guides are important things. If I want to appreciate
Egypt, Africa or some far away place and due to limits on my resources
or health I cannot travel there, then a reliable and informative travel
guide is the way to go, Preferably by someone who has visited there or
perhaps by someone who lives there. The Stars Still Shine is the
ultimate travel guide ! Since there is much debate over who has died and
returned to tell the tale, correspondence from the "other country"
is perhaps the best way to go and this little book is the story of someone
who experienced death and "wrote back home" to tell his family
about it.
After being struck and killed by a vehicle on his way
home one night, Michael, a dynamic young husband discovered he was still
"alive" but in a very different form. He also discovered he could
communicate with his psychic father-in-law, Robert Murray. Hours after
his death he was able to vividly describe emotions, experiences, places,
"people" and animals in the afterlife. He desperately reached
out to his wife, family and friends as his father-in-law wrote what Michael
told him. The messages continued over a period of days, months and then
years. They formed a diary that became the story of Michael's afterlife
journey in The Stars Still Shine.
The most powerful thing about this book is that it is
so down to earth, the days of nebulous messages or feel good platitudes
are gone. In the new millennium we need detail and this is what we get.
Honest, straightforward and clear descriptions of the afterlife.
We learn that the afterlife has many levels (nine) and that mankind is
much older than the earth, we learn about reincarnation and the nature
of the soul. As Michael learns, we learn. We follow his journey and experience
his development in the other world. This process is not only a great read,
but by the time we finish the book we find we have learned a lot along
the way.
There is much that could be debated about this book and
so we have to simply accept that this is the information that Michael transmitted
from the other and on that basis decide for ourselves what to do with this
information. The question is that is - If this book is right would we live
our lives differently ?
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