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Ask Michael
Questions from Readers & His Answers, and Asking a Question

New questions and answers will appear here periodically.

If you would like to ask Michael a question about what you've read in in The Stars Still Shine: An Afterlife Journey and/or The Stars Still Shine: Michael's Afterlife Journey Continues, Book 2 , click here.

Q: What surprised you the most about seeing Jesus?

A: I don't know if this answers your question, but I can't really remember what surprised me the most. I was surprised that He came to visit me. I had no idea or even a hint that He would even be in the nursery, the place for children. Looking back, it makes sense, but at the time I was surprised about everything.

Q: Is friendship different on the other side? In the beginning of the book, you talked of your friends on Earth coming to your funeral and seemed very touched by that. I think it must be hard to get to the other side before all of your friends do...must feel a little lonely over there.

A: Yes and no. Yes in that it is in a far different place than when I lived on Earth. No, I didn't build the friendships the way friendships are built when you are growing up. These new friendships seem to happen, but they are just as deep as some of the ones I had when alive.

Just like Earth, there are different qualities to friendships here. They, my friends are all my friends, but some have differences that I like. I don't know if I'm explaining it well. Not all my friends here are the same and I don't know how to measure friendship. They are part of me and my life now. Yeah, it gets real lonely!

Q: In the book I read that you are able to "see" your wife and daughter sometimes and you have even commented on what you observed them doing. Does this mean our loved ones can actually see us? They can observe us any time they want to?

A: Yes, I did visit with Lynn and Emily. They were on the Earth and I lowered my speed, my vibrations so I could see them. It wasn't an easy thing to do. I had to really concentrate on getting things just right or they would start to fade. Others over here can do it when they want to, but not many people that I know want to do it, at least not when the people on Earth are awake. It is much easier to visit loved ones when they are sleeping--or in a dream. So, I don't visit that often because it is a difficult thing to do and my family visits me where I am. Some spirits keep their connections to the Earth very strong. These spirits usually end up being very frustrated and after awhile unhappy because they are just observers. I do know there are guardians, but that is a different story.

Disclaimer: The information provided by Michael is for informational and educational purposes only.

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